Dance Chi
Come and feel like a Goddess, completely free and light as a feather
Do you currently feel disconnected from your body?
Want to ignite your energy and set your soul on fire?
Introducing a new way of moving your body that is simple and easy to follow. Just 2 to 3 gentle moves repeated throughout each song. This practice will get your chi (life force energy) flowing, increasing your circulation, raising your vibration while calming your nervous system.
These movements are based on the art of Qi Gong.
We have two types of classes.
Dance Chi Plus Meditation where we start and finish each class with some EFT (tapping) to clear any stagnate energy, to ground you and calm your nerves and finish with 20 minutes of guided meditation.
Dance Chi Moves, this is a movement only class and consists of around 45 mins of upper body, low impact movement, no floor work and great for limited flexability. Just two to three movements repeated throughout the song.
Great for getting you out of your head, into your body and for overall vitality.
Become so familiar with the moves that you can close your eyes and just let yourself go. Once you know the moves and are totally comfortable with your surroundings you can really disconnect from your mind and connect to your body and breath. Its a new way of movement. A moving meditation for our bodies.. A date with your soul.
MONDAYS: Dance Chi Moves:9:30am Sun City Yacht Club, Two Rocks
THURSDAYS: Dance Chi Meditation 7am Old Nursery Park, Yanchep
THURSDAYS: Dance Chi Moves: 6:30pm Sun City Yacht Club, Two Rocks
For SUNDAYS Rei-Chi Events in Iluka and Hillary’s (see fb page)
COST: Single Classes $20 (does not apply to Rei-Chi Events)
Six Class Package $88 (does not apply to Rei-Chi Events)
Or scroll down to buy a package
(In Person Dance Chi and Meditation only)

your package
Casual Class
Book in and pay for your single casual class.
Six Class Package
Equates to just $14.66 per class.. Use across all classes and locations within a 12 week period. (apart from Special Events)
I'm loving the soul dancing classes. I feel fantastic after and really energised. I'm usually really self conscious dancing but this style of moving the body is fun - to great music with gentle flowing movements. I can really feel energy blocks shifting its a powerful session that l'd recommend to everyone.
“This class has really freed up my body, my shoulders are loosening up, it took me a few weeks to get out of my head and into my heart, that soul connection is wonderful. Thankyou for doing this class.” - Fiona P
“I feel amazing, I found I was coming into my body beautifully and just experiencing all my feelings, I felt like I was in a safe supportive and open space and community of women, it was just beautiful , I felt happy to be here and participating. I feel like alot of movement and energy shifted in a really positive way. I cried happy tears.”- Drina
“I love it, I feel rebalanced, its time for myself and I just reconnect and leave everything else where it needs to be left, I just love it” - Nic
“I love it, I come away feeling bright and light.” - Karina
“I have found my thing, I absolutely love, love, love these classes, I highly recommend giving them a go, I just feel joy and light and love its just beautiful.” - Leanne
“My body and me are just loving these classes, I come twice a week, I cant see it stopping anytime soon, I feel incredibly grounded and so energised in a beautifully loving and nurturing way so I’m just loving it, thankyou so much.” - Fiona J